I remember the late, great Jack Hargreaves from my childhood, especially on the tv series, “How!”
In addition, on Sunday afternoons, Jack would host his series, “Out of town” and “Old Country”
I’ve been watching his series again, a wonderful journey through times and trades gone by, with his connections to people, places and skills I’ve rarely seen or witnessed in others.
Jack also worked for magazines, “Lilliput” and “Picture Post”
One of a rare breed of broadcasters, of whom he would never impose his view or opinions, but instead, displayed incredible, extensive knowledge and a reassuring calm, based upon facts and experiences.
Now that episodes of his shows have been put online for all to enjoy, a selection of some are posted here for you to enjoy.
My particular favourites are the butchering of a pig (who knew why we have bacon and eggs for a meal and the two sides to a pig!) and his knowledge of how the Saxons farmed (Coombs) and how they affect our villages today.
For more of Jack’s work:
There are also other videos of interviews and shows with / about Jack on the other pages.